2024 年 6 月
是不是常常看到自己缺乏的?總是不滿意自己現在的生活? 對照了別人的生活,總是發現自己的不足;羨慕別人的生活,感覺自己賺錢能力的不足?這樣的思考,讓自己陷入了焦慮,陷入了金錢焦慮。如…
If you want to have a well-being life, you have to try and to put in practice , and then you will transform your life to be better one.
If you want to have a well-being life, you have to try and to put in practice , and then you will transform your life to be better one.
| 所思、所想、所追求的:心靈富足。
| 原味×自然的調味。